Torquay - Using modern electronics than made overdubbing easy,
Dave recorded 26 of the tunes that The Torquays played back in the '60s
and put them on a CD, but you can also listen here.
How I
Brew Beer - Ahhhh, beer. Dave brews his own and has made a
set of videos that shows how he does it.
Age Regression - This is how Dave got
to be what he is today.
3D or not 3D - A view of Dave in
stunning three-dimensional fidelity, for what its worth.
Car Models - I'm not very good at it, but
it's relaxing and fun. Here are a few pics.
Back in the late '70s, before the advent of the Apple II, I wrote a
program that ran on a 4-bit microprocessor and slowly spewed pornography
on a Teletype machine. It was funny to watch, and here's a