A longgggggggg time ago, before I bought my first Apple II, I built a little computer from a kit, including a 4-bit processor, 4KB ram, and BASIC in EPROM.  For I/O, I had an old teletype machine; mass storage was the paper tape reader/punch.  The best thing I did with it was to write a program that caused pornographic text to spew forth on the teletype machine.  (It just used random sentence structures with random body parts, verbs, objects, exclamations, etc.) The teletype was so slow that you could easily read along as the smut came out.  In fact, slow as the teletype was, my program was slower, and there was a slight pause before each random word would come out.  It was a riot to watch, and my family and friends remember it fondly.  So here's an up-to-date simulation of the old PORNO program...

Click here to run PORNO!